Lawn & Snow Landscape Complete LLC

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Sprinkler System Repair Services

If you’re looking for sprinkler repair, look no further than Lawn & Snow Landscape Complete LLC. We offer a complete range of repair services for all types of sprinkler problems, from leaks to broken sprinkler heads. Whatever the issue, we promise quick turnarounds, fair prices, and repairs that last.

Our sprinkler repair services are suitable for both residential and commercial sprinkler systems. To schedule an inspection, give us a call at (612) 490-4500 today.

Why Do You Need Sprinkler System Repairs?

There are many reasons sprinkler system repairs may be necessary.

Here’s an overview:

  • Leaks: Leaks in your sprinkler system can result from damaged pipes, fittings, or sprinkler heads, leading to water wastage and inefficient irrigation.
  • Clogged nozzles: Over time, mineral deposits, debris, or dirt can accumulate in the nozzles, obstructing the flow of water and affecting the coverage and effectiveness of your irrigation system.
  • Broken or misaligned sprinkler heads: Sprinkler heads can become damaged due to lawnmower impact, foot traffic, or age, resulting in uneven water distribution or poor coverage of your landscape.
  • Valve issues: Malfunctioning valves can cause problems like low water pressure, system overwatering, or failure to turn off, leading to water waste and potential damage to your plants or property.
  • Electrical problems: If your sprinkler system is automated, electrical issues like faulty wiring, solenoid valve failure, or controller malfunctions can disrupt your system’s operation.
  • Pressure loss: Issues with water pressure, including low pressure or fluctuating pressure, can impact the performance of your sprinkler system and may indicate underlying problems with your water supply or system components.
  • Age and wear: Like any mechanical system, sprinkler systems can degrade over time due to age, wear and tear, exposure to the elements, and inadequate maintenance, necessitating repairs or replacements.

Addressing these issues promptly through sprinkler system repairs helps ensure efficient water use, proper irrigation coverage, and the longevity of your system.

Common Sprinkler Controller Issues

The sprinkler controller schedules and regulates water distribution. As an electronic device, it relies on a solid power connection and delicate internal components.

Here are some common problems with this component that require repair:

  • Incorrect programming or scheduling errors, leading to over or under-watering
  • Electrical issues that cause the controller to reset or malfunction
  • Poor connection, resulting in communication problems with valves and sensors
  • Outdated or incompatible software or firmware, preventing proper operation or integration with devices
  • Physical damage, such as cracked displays or stuck buttons
  • Battery failures in backup systems
  • Timing issues, causing the sprinkler to run at the wrong times

Sprinkler Repair vs. New Sprinkler Installation: How to Choose

You may face the dilemma of whether to repair your existing sprinklers or opt for a completely new installation. The decision largely depends on the age, condition, and efficiency of your current setup. If your sprinklers are relatively new and only require minor fixes, repairs are an effective solution.

However, if your system is old or has very frequent breakdowns that are only fixed temporarily by repairs, we can install a new sprinkler for you. Another factor is coverage—if your current layout isn’t watering your entire lawn evenly, a new design could be the answer.

Key Sprinkler Parts That May Require Repair

Your sprinkler system relies on several key parts to function, and each might require a different type of repair. A broken head, for example, is often a simple fix, while faulty valves might require more extensive work.

Here are the different sprinkler parts, what they do, and issues that can arise:

  • Sprinkler heads: These are the visible parts that distribute water across your lawn. Clogged or damaged heads can cause uneven water distribution or complete blockages.
  • Valves: Responsible for controlling the flow of water to different zones, valves can become stuck or leak due to mineral buildup or age.
  • Pipes: Underground pipes can develop cracks, leaks, or become dislodged, leading to water loss and potential damage to your landscape.
  • Controllers: The brain of the system, controllers can malfunction, causing improper scheduling or failure to activate zones.
  • Backflow preventers: These devices prevent contaminated water from flowing back into the main water supply and may require periodic testing and maintenance.

What Are the Steps in the Sprinkler Repair Process?

Before we repair your sprinklers, we’ll diagnose the issue by examining your lawn for uneven watering or leaks and inspecting each sprinkler component for damage or clogs.

Here are the steps that follow in the sprinkler repair process:

  1. Diagnosis: Based on the inspection findings, we’ll diagnose the specific issue(s) and determine the appropriate course of action.
  2. Parts replacement: If necessary, faulty components such as sprinkler heads, valves, or pipes will be replaced with new, compatible ones.
  3. System adjustments: To ensure proper coverage and water distribution, we may need to adjust the controller settings, water pressure, or sprinkler head positioning.
  4. Testing: Once repairs are complete, we’ll test your system to verify that all components are functioning correctly and that there are no leaks or other issues.

When Should You Schedule Maintenance for Your Sprinkler System?

Scheduling regular maintenance for your sprinkler system is crucial to ensure its optimal performance and longevity.

Here are some guidelines for when to schedule maintenance:

  • Seasonally: Schedule maintenance for your sprinkler system at least twice a year, typically in the spring and fall. Spring maintenance prepares your system for the upcoming watering season, while fall maintenance helps winterize your system and prevent damage during colder months.
  • Before each watering season: Before the start of each watering season, typically in the spring, it’s essential to inspect and tune up your sprinkler system to ensure it operates efficiently and effectively throughout the growing season.
  • After extreme weather events: After extreme weather events like heavy rain, windstorms, or freezing temperatures, it’s a good idea to inspect your sprinkler system for any damage or issues that may have arisen.
  • Regularly throughout the year: In addition to seasonal maintenance, performing regular checks on your sprinkler system is beneficial. Look for signs of leaks, clogged nozzles, misaligned sprinkler heads, or other issues that may affect performance.
  • As needed: When you notice any abnormalities or issues with your sprinkler system, including reduced water pressure, uneven watering, or unusual noises, don’t wait until your next scheduled maintenance visit. Instead, schedule maintenance or repairs as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure efficient operation.

By following these guidelines and scheduling regular maintenance for your sprinkler system, you can keep it operating at peak performance, minimize water waste, and extend its lifespan. Doing this will help you save time, money, and resources in the long run.

Irrigation Repair by Lawn & Snow Landscape Complete LLC

Our many years in the lawn sprinkler repair business have taught us a lot, and we’re proud to say we can handle just about anything. No matter what causes the damage, we can get your sprinklers back to new again. Our skilled team has experience in handling a wide variety of issues, including:

  • Rust
  • Broken gears
  • Broken heads and nozzles
  • Wiring issues
  • Leaks
  • Pipe damage
  • And more.

We can also give you guidance on how to prevent further damage and keep your sprinklers in great shape. That way, you’ll never need to use our repair services again. Because that’s how it should be.

Comprehensive Sprinkler Inspections

When you need sprinkler repair, it’s not always obvious what went wrong or what needs to be fixed. That’s where we come in.

Over time, we’ve developed an incredibly comprehensive inspection process, which allows us to put your sprinkler system through a complete diagnostic rundown. Give us a call, and we’ll send over one of our trained experts to perform an inspection. They’ll give your sprinkler a thorough assessment before explaining to you what work needs to be done.

We’ll also be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services and prices. As a contractor, we like to empower our clients by giving them all the information they need to make informed purchasing decisions. It’s our way of building your trust—and of ensuring we leave you satisfied with our services.

Don’t hesitate to book your inspection today. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you at your earliest convenience

Get a Repair That Lasts

…from the Company You Can Trust

When you choose us for sprinkler repair, you get work that lasts. We always use the very latest in tools and equipment, and our materials are always of the highest quality. We give it our all and double-check everything to ensure the work is the best it can be. The result? Your sprinklers will be back in working condition, and you can bet they’ll keep working for years to come

We back our repairs with a competitive warranty policy. If somehow we’ve made an oversight, we pledge to come back and repair the work. We’re not in the habit of making mistakes, but we think our customers deserve the extra peace of mind that comes with such a policy. Rest assured: We’re the company that will do the job right. We guarantee it.

Contact us now to get a free estimate

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